There are 2 steps:

1. Open /Library/Lua/EqualizerEverywhere/peaking_eq.lua

and add these lines of code:

function FILTER:deq22_coefs(gain, sampling_rate)
    if self.frequency == 60 then
        self.frequency = 30

    local omega = 2*math.pi*self.frequency/sampling_rate
    local omegaS = math.sin(omega)
    local omegaC = math.cos(omega)

    local alpha = omegaS / (2*self.Q);

    local A = math.sqrt(math.pow(10, gain/20));

    local a0 = 1 + alpha/A;
        (1 + alpha*A) / a0, --b0
        (-2 * omegaC) / a0, --b1
        (1 - alpha*A) / a0, --b2
        (-2 * omegaC) / a0, --a1
        (1 - alpha/A) / a0 --a2

change the 60 or 30 depending on what you want. the 60 is the default frequency. 30 is what you want to replace it with.

You can add as many of those blocks as you want:

function FILTER:deq22_coefs(gain, sampling_rate)
    if self.frequency == 60 then
        self.frequency = 30

    if self.frequency == 170 then
        self.frequency = 190

    local omega = 2*math.pi*self.frequency/sampling_rate
    local omegaS = math.sin(omega)
    local omegaC = math.cos(omega)

    local alpha = omegaS / (2*self.Q);

    local A = math.sqrt(math.pow(10, gain/20));

    local a0 = 1 + alpha/A;
        (1 + alpha*A) / a0, --b0
        (-2 * omegaC) / a0, --b1
        (1 - alpha*A) / a0, --b2
        (-2 * omegaC) / a0, --a1
        (1 - alpha/A) / a0 --a2

Note that this does NOT show up in the UI. This is only behind the scenes.

2. Go into Settings > EqualizerEverywhere, toggle "Enable", click "Not now", then click "Enable" again, and click respring.

You have to respring this way, because it also kills the mediaserverd process.

Alternatively, you could go into SSH or mobileterminal and type killall mediaserverd